It takes a village to raise a child
— African Proverb

“It takes a village to raise a child” is an African Proverb that means when an community of people are involved in a child’s life, that child will grow in a safe and healthy environment. The EC Behavior team would love to become a part of your village so that your child may experience growth in a safe and healthy environment.

We have partnered with Wolff Academy! Wolff Academy is a non-profit school that is founded on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles, building social skills, and developing functional communication while providing an education that is on your students level. If you would like more information feel free to reach out!


We have partnered with 360 Therapy, LLC. This is an amazing new clinic that is bringing Speech and Language Therapy to our area. They have done amazing things with our kiddos!

Check them out!

We are excited to partner with the Gulf Coast Foster Bridge! They are a non-profit organization that has done some amazing things to support the local foster community! To find out more about the Gulf Coast Foster Bridge click the button below.


Become a partner in the community

Would you like to get involved or join forces in the community? If you would like to be a partner in the community with us, fill out the form below and we will contact you!